Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Two fer Tuesday

Hi Everyone,
I had a day off today from the Bistro so I paid my rent and then hit the streets for some new intakes of bay area dining.
First place I fell upon was Ahn's 1/4 lb. Burger joint.  This place, as I learned later is a chain.  Pay no mind as the atmosphere inside felt like I was just another old white guy in what felt like a Chinese mom and pop burger hole in the wall.
I ordered one cheese burger with everything and to mix it up, I got a pastrami burger.  Let me tell you I won x2.  The pastrami burger was excellent.  Kudos for Ahn's wrapping job on those burgers as I was confidently able to walk and eat my burg's without losing a bite.  Scrolls downs for some romantic burger pics from the parking lot and from the back table, courtesy of your's truly.

After doing some rendezvousing at SF Amoeba, truly the best music store other than Portland's Crossroads, I walked over to the Rainbow Castro District and hit a place suggested by my older brother, Erik.  His pic was Ike's Place.  For whatever reason I expected this sub place to really bring it in terms of taste and portions of the sub.  I don't even remember seeing an option between small and large.  C'mon Ike,  does Tina need to set you straight?  Anyhow, I ended up ordering what the cashier told me was one of the two more popular (i'd like to call them subs, but i think I'm going to have to label these sammies due to their dinky size), which was the Matt Cain.  The Matt Cain on the website looks like this:

But I can assure you that ain't what I got.  My sammie must have only been half a foot long.  Not acceptable. Also the menu online is not fully offered at the blackboard at the actual locale.  No where to be found was the sammie I was originally intending to order, Doomsday.  Also they have something on the website called Nacho Girl.  That one sounds great too. So all in all, I think i'll have to keep going until I like the place.  It's a tough job but someone's got to give Ike's a chance to redeem themselves.
To make up for Ike's I returned to Merritt Bakery to wipe the pallette clean with a four piece and some lemonade. Thanks Merritt Bakery for carrying the weight.
Also, I'm getting damn tired of all these apology signs I'm seeing around town.  Quit making excuses Oakland.

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