Tuesday, March 22, 2011


After spending the last two weeks soda-free (coca cola, orange crush, grape crush, canada dry ginger ale, vernor's ginger ale are just some of my guilty pleasures in the fizz factor) I decided to endulge my sweet tooth by picking up a snack I haven't eaten in well over fifteen or twenty years: PINWHEELS!
I also finally got my teeth cleaned this past week (no cavities, believe it. it happened).
Pinwheels are a Nabisco treat, so I guess those Keebler elves really botched it on this one.  The unique thing about Pinwheels is that each of them is about the size of a samosa, but listen, it's about the size ( a bit on the husky side) but not the shape.  And like the samosa, these mother's are filling.
As I was doing my regular research on my culinary subject I found some other fatso's feeling their opinions about Pinwheels were also noteworthy.  Here's what they had to say

Eleanor F. (me these pinwheels are gewd)

Forest G (the sensible one)


  1. hmmmm, quite a difference in these observations. one person is believing there are only 11 cookies in the package and mr. sensible counts 12. Also the chubby can only eat one and the skinny can eat the whole bag with his mate within two days. i love diversity.
